The Knowledge Base

An easy to digest and well sourced library all about apex predators. Conservation in Canada is a deep and nuanced topic, Exposed is here to help break it down.

The Knowledge Base is a new and growing resource. We are launching with our Cougar Series, a comprehensive compilation of research covering the basics of what cougars are, where they live, what to do if you see one, and more nuanced topics like coexistence and management.

Over the coming months we will be launching a series all about trapping in Canada to support our Trapped in the Past campaign, as well as a series all about wolves.

It is important to mention our volunteers who put in countless hours doing the research needed to compile this collection. Their work is enabling anyone who wants to understand our apex predators easy access to the information needed.


Learn about this elusive species.

View Series

Discover and understand the practice of trapping fur-bearing
animals in modern-day Canada.

View Series

Grizzly Coexistence

Learn to coexist with Grizzly Bears.

View Series

Fur Export Stats

Learn about the numbers!

See Stats