EWC February 24' Update

The Exposed Wildlife Conservancy
February 29, 2024

Watch the first two episodes of our 3-part Trapped In the Past documentary series now and take action!

Watch Part One AND Two of the three-part Trapped In the Past docu-series now! 

Part One: The Truth About Snares

(Watch on YouTube)

In partnership with The Fur-Bearers, the Exposed Wildlife Conservancy is pleased to present Part One of the Trapped in the Past documentary series: The Truth About Snares. Part One focuses on killing neck snares, diving deep into the science and the ethics behind this cruel and archaic trapping device that is still used in Canada and much of the U.S. despite being banned in more than 85 countries worldwide. This episode also unravels commercial trapping regulations and answers the questions: who is trapping and why?

Part 2:The Economics of Trapping - Past and Preset

(Watch on YouTube)

Part Two explores Canada's history with the trapping industry, its place in today's society, and the economic, environmental, and cultural sustainability of trapping. After this episode, you will be able to answer the question: does commercial trapping have a place in today’s society? 

Our intention with this series is to raise awareness on how the commercial and recreational trapping industry operates in Canada and to equip each of you with the information needed to give fur-bearing animals across Canada, like wolves, beavers, lynx and foxes, a loud and clear voice so we can all help stop these brutal practices and reform trapping entirely. 

To become a part of the solution to how our wildlife is managed, head to our Trapped In the Past page. 

Visit the TIP Campaign

Help Us Raise Awareness!

We need your help to raise awareness of our Trapped in the Past campaign to help wildlife subjected to the commercial trapping industry. 

By subscribing to our YouTube channel and following us on our Facebook and Instagram pages, you are ensuring that we get the Trapped In the Past series in front of more viewers. Every like, comment, subscribe, and donation helps our videos reach further and get closer to creating real, positive, and impactful change for fur-bearing animals subjected to the commercial trapping industry. 

To learn of further ways that you can get involved in this campaign, please visit our dedicated Trapped In the Past page. 

Support the Trapped In the Past Campaign

Is Snaring Humane, Efficient And/Or Ethical?

Simple answer: no, no and NO. 

A snare is a wire loop intended to choke an animal to death and science has shown that snares are  extremely ineffective at killing fur-bearing animals swifty or efficiently, resulting in considerable suffering and horrifying injuries. Documented effects of snaring include jelly head, lacerations, tooth erosion and fractures, joint dislocations, bone fractures, and damage to internal organs. 

Snared animals may be left to suffer for hours or days, with non-fatal injuries prone to infection and necrosis. Even when snaring does not cause deep wounds, trapped animals are susceptible to exposure and predation, as well as dehydration and starvation if left for a long period of time (in many jurisdiction there are no mandated check times -- in other words, a trapper can set a bunch of snares and doesn't have to come check them). If an animal is able to escape an improper snare hold, injuries sustained can have longer-term consequences on the survival and reproductive successes of that animal.

Visit our Trapping Series to see our case against neck snares and steps you can take to help get this archaic, cruel and inhumane trapping practice banned.

Access Trapping Series

Take Action Against Recreational Trapping

When is enough enough? The Fur-Bearers have drafted a letter so that you can take action right now to ban snares and help be a catalyst for much-needed reform of Canada's trapping regulations. 

Complete the letter by clicking the link below to express your concerns to your local municipality, MLA, or MPP regarding the use of neck snares and other traps and help end the archaic, cruel, and inhumane practices of Canada’s commercial trapping industry. 

Send a Letter

Book Recommendation

Crossing the Divide: Discovering a Wilderness Ethic in Canada’s Northern Rockies

In Crossing The Divide Wayne Sawchuk takes us from his early days as a logger and trapper to his role in creating the largest protected wilderness area in the Rocky Mountains. Sawchuk grew up near Chetwynd in the province’s northeast, working with his father in resource industries. Then in 1985, he helped his uncle build a trapper’s cabin at Mayfield Lake in the Northern Rockies and eventually bought the trapline. Through the 1990s he began taking extended horse packing trips into the area while helping shape the future of the Muskwa-Kechika Management Area, 6.5 million hectares of land where intact ecosystems co-exist with carefully regulated resource extraction. “It is,” says Sawchuk, “an incredible experiment where we can maintain a sustainable economy and keep the wild heart of Canada’s Northern Rockies beating strong forever.”

Get the Book

Thank You

Thank you for continuing to give wildlife a voice and not shying away from the challenges they face every day, even when it makes us uncomfortable. Together, we are making a difference.

In the words of  Martin Luther King Jr:

“Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.”


The Exposed Wildlife Conservancy Team

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