EWC July 23' Update

The Exposed Wildlife Conservancy
July 31, 2023

Trapped In the Past Campaign Update

Our Co-Founders John, Kim, and Lance are filming the final interviews for our Trapped In the Past documentary. By August end the documentary will be complete, with just some final touches to finish for the fall release. Our team has also been working hard to investigate and dig deeper into the commercial trapping industry. What we have been finding is shocking, to say the least. We are developing an extensive campaign around the trapping industry and what we have learned so far, which will be launched with the release of the documentary come fall.

You can learn more about our Trapped In the Past campaign and documentary by clicking the button below.

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Introducing the Knowledge Base Initiative

All of the research we have gathered for the Trapped In the Past Campaign will be available to you on our Knowledge Base by summer’s end. The Knowledge Base is our latest educational initiative. It is a free and engaging educational resource where you can go to learn all about apex predators and the challenges they are facing. Launching our Knowledge Base will be our Trapping Series and our Cougar Series. 

The Cougar Series is all about cougars. Here you can learn all about cougar ecology, biology and behaviours, how to coexist with them on trails or at home, debunk common cougar myths, and much more.  All of the content on our Knowledge Base is credible and based in science and facts. Our team of volunteers have been working hard at conducting audits of credible scientific studies and sources on cougars and putting it into easy to understand information. What cannot be found through secondary research is being obtained through primary research, such as our trail cameras, surveys, talking directly with community members and residents about their experiences, and connecting with expert cougar biologists. 

The Cougar Series on our Knowledge Base will also form the foundation of our educational programs and outreach efforts for our Cougar Coexistence Project. Examples of these efforts include conducting workshops in communities and at schools, installing educational signage on trails, and attending events where our team can share information on cougars and how to keep yourself, your children, your pets, and livestock safe. 

If you are interested in helping us develop our educational programs, please consider making a one-time donation.


Trail Camera Network Expansion

Our Operations Manager, Jessica, also provided the MD of Bighorn a detailed update on our Cougar Coexistence Project earlier this month. The MD of Bighorn is one of our community partners for this project. They have granted us permission to install trail cameras in the MD of Bighorn Hamlets and have worked with us to receive the Government of Alberta’s approval to install trail cameras in the Back 40. Next month, our volunteer trail camera team and staff will be onsite to start building our trail camera network through the MD of Bighorn, Benchlands, and the Back 40. We cannot wait to share with you what the trail cameras reveal!

To learn more about our trail camera network, click the button below. 

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Conservation Calendar

We have been getting asked if we will have a calendar available for next year. As we look to ensure that all of our efforts are supporting apex predators to the best of our ability, we are seeking your feedback on if you would be interested in a conservation-focused calendar filled with beautiful wildlife photography. Please take 2 minutes to fill out our quick calendar survey to let us know your interest in a conservation calendar. 

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