EWC May 24' Update - Part 2

The Exposed Wildlife Conservancy
May 3, 2024

A New Wolverine Study

An Updated On Wolverine Management

A new wolverine paper from ongoing studies in Rainbow Lake, Alberta and Red Lake, Ontario lists human-caused mortality (especially trapping) as a major risk to these two wolverine populations in Canada’s boreal forest.

Key points from the study:

  • The survival and population modelling suggests that human-caused mortality is a significant risk to these populations.
  • The results can be applied to wolverine status assessments and used as benchmarks for future monitoring.
  • Wolverine population stability or growth might be achieved by reducing incidental trapping deaths or injury and hindering human access to wolverine habitats through decommissioning or limiting development of industrial roads or other anthropogenic linear features.
Read the New Wolverine Study Here

This aligns with recent studies from the Yukon and from British Columbia that also single out human-caused mortality as a significant factor in wolverine population declines. We’re working behind the scenes to ensure that wolverine trapping and proper habitat protection is at the forefront in any wildlife management plans for wilderness areas that support wolverines.

In the meantime, visit our Trapped In the Past Campaign page to learn more about commercial and recreational trapping and how you can support wolverines and other fur-bearing animals subjected to this outdated and inhumane practice.

‍Learn More About Trapping

We Are Hiring!

Do you know someone aged 15-30 looking to use their skills, experiences, and expertise to support wolves, bears, cougars, and other wildlife?

We are currently looking for a Communications Specialist and a Web Developer Specialist to join our team. Both positions are fully remote with the ideal candidate being located in Western Canada.

About the Communications Specialist Role

We are seeking a creative and innovative team member who will be able to tell the stories of Canada’s wildlife. The Communications Specialist will deliver highly effective and impactful communications to progress and expand our various programs, campaigns, and project efforts.

Learn More About This Role Here

About the Web Developer Specialist Role

We are seeking a tech-savvy team member who will advance our various wildlife and conservation projects and programs through ensuring a seamless and user-friendly experience on our website, optimizing our website performance, and using website data to improve results.

Learn More About This Role Here

Funding for these positions are provided in part through the Canada Summer Jobs Program which means there are a few eligibility requirements to apply. Please read the job descriptions and ensure you meet the eligibility criteria before applying.

How To Apply

Please send your cover letter and your resume to info@exposedwc.org by May 12th, 2024 with ‘Communication Specialist Application’ or ‘Web Developer Specialist’ in the subject line and fill out a job application form via the 'Apply Now' button below.

We thank all applicants, but only those selected for interviews will be contacted.

Exposed Wildlife Conservancy welcomes applications from all interested and qualified candidates. We are committed to fostering and maintaining a workplace culture that is diverse, inclusive, and intolerant of discrimination or harassment.

Thank you,

The Team At Exposed

‍Apply Today‍
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