Donate In Support of Wildlife!

Your support fuels the heartbeat of our mission, enabling us to enact meaningful change and create lasting impact where it is needed most! A donation to the Exposed Wildlife Conservancy helps ensure that Canada’s wolves, grizzly bears, cougars and other wildlife are protected today, tomorrow, and for generations to come.

Donations are eligible for charitable tax receipts for Canada only.

Make Your Donation

Your generosity helps sustain vital programs, drive change, and amplify our outreach efforts! Consider furthering your impact by becoming a monthly donor or volunteer.

become a monthly donor

When you make a monthly donation, you join our special team of advocates and change-makers, our Insiders. As an Exposed Insider, your monthly contribution provides critical support to the work that Exposed Wildlife Conservancy undertakes. Your ongoing support makes a direct and lasting impact on the treatment, management, and advocacy of apex predators.

Become an Insider

Become a Volunteer

As Exposed continues to grow, we are looking to expand our team to include those dedicated to the betterment of apex predators! As a volunteer, you play a critical role in helping us fulfill our mission of creating change by raising awareness and appreciation of conservation issues relating to Canada’s apex predators. Further your impact by becoming a volunteer today!
